Saturday, August 28, 2010

Haven Of Fun Resort, Samar

WHERE: Haven Of Fun, Dalupiri, San Antonio Island, Northern Samar
DATE OF TRAVEL: July 2-5, 2010

1. The beach resort is very laid back! It is a perfect place if you really want to relax.:)
2. The weather is so nice. The nipa cottages with beach chairs is an excellent spot for those who want to read a book, reflect and/or listen to the waves.:)
3. The water is soooooooo clear, and it's salty enough to actually make you more bouyant. Imagine how fun snorkeling is without having to wear vests (rent is P100) and still float for a looooong time. There aren't too many coral reefs but the marine life is rich!:) We tested feeding the fish with bread and guess what? They swam away and didn't mind the bread. Yehey! :)

P1,350/3 for a beach front cottage with aircon and TV (overnight)
P400 for a special boat trip from the Lavezares town pier

The locals of Samar actually call this resort "HAH-VEHN" (yes, as in have + en) so if you pronounce it as hay-ven, they may not understand you. :P

1. From Calbayog/ Catarman, find your way to the town of Victoria.
2. Go to the pier of Lavazares and ask where the dock of Haven of Fun resort is. From the pier, you can walk it or ride a pedicab (P3.00)
3. You can wait for the boat to be filled up or you can ask for a special trip. One way costs P400.00 for special trips.

Haven of Fun Resort - +63917 3276594/


We didn't know much about this resort because our goal was to go to Biri Island. But after a day in Biri, we decided it was time to explore another place and all the locals we talked to just had one place in mind: HAVEN OF FUN!

"Sobrang ganda dun!" ("It's so nice there!"), they would say. It must be their "Boracay", we thought, and so we decided to leave Biri Island and when we reached Lavezares, we took a tricycle all the way to Victoria and then a pedicab ride to the port of Haven of Fun Resort.

Not really knowing what to expect, this resort turned out to be a sweet surprise. It is no Boracay in terms of the shore and the sand, but it is charming in its own, special way.

The water was beautiful. The temperature was warm enough and the water was salty enough to make us really bouyant. Boy, did we enjoy snorkeling all day! Too bad our underwater camera came to its final rest so we weren't able to record any of our underwater fun, but that didn't make our activity less exciting. The fish were so "friendly", they didn't seem to mind that we were there. Apparently, we tested them by giving them our leftover bread and they turned out ignoring it! Wonderful!

The sand wasn't so smooth so we couldn't lie down on it for some tanning and reading. But this wasn't really a problem since this challenge was already solved! The nipa cottages with beach chairs and tables turned out to be a perfect hang-out place! We spent most of our time there reading, chatting and eating --all while enjoying the sea breeze that only made us wish we could stay longer.

Their rooms were okay...The beds weren't so comfortable, the aircon wasn't so cold and the bathroom was small, but it was clean and that mattered more for us. San Antonio is also one of the islands in Samar that actually has an electricity schedule, so there was no electricity by 6:00 am but it was okay because it was breezy even though the sun was really out and it was a perfect excuse to snorkel yet again. :)

We truly enjoyed our stay here. It was like having our own little paradise. Sure the rooms aren't fancy, there's no nightlife and the sand isn't so smooth, but it has a charm of its own that makes you want to stay longer and live the "beach" life. ;)

1. Bring snorkeling gear if you have plans of snorkeling! They only have a handful of snorkeling gears and they aren't so nice.
2. Make sure to bring mosquito repellent when you hang out by the beach.
3. Call ahead of time if you want to go here because sometimes, they are full of guests as this is where corporations hold their team buildings, conventions, etc.
4. Pronounce it as HAH-VEN and the locals will surely know what you're talking about!
5. If you can, take the special boat trip because sometimes, the commuter boat is so loaded and may prove to be unsafe. The trip going here is not an easy one. The currents are pretty strong.
6. If you are vegetarian, there's not much you can order. Ask them to cook vegetables (they have chop suey) for you, without the broth/ meat powder/ seasoning.

1 comment:

  1. Well the beach looks good in the pic..i wanna go there with my friends this coming we can relax and enjoy the beach..
